Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Adding Insult to Injury

My brother was visiting a friend in the hospital recently and noticed this sign on the wall:

Boston is home to some of the world's best hospitals, but apparently not the best grammar. I hope my brother's friend's surgeon showed more attention to detail than the writer of this sign.

Thanks, Charlie!


Anonymous said...

you'd think they would have noticed it when they printed it out, or on their way to the room, or when they put it on the wall, or when they looked at it to make sure it was level, or sometime before they turned around and left! OR you'd think one of the other patients that had been in that room would have told somebody it was there. craziness!

Becky said...

Well, I wonder who made that pencil mark...

Lae said...

nice blog, what about link exchange with my one?
let me know via comments or mail...